Ryan and Michi summerland Oak Estate Wedding

Venue: Oak Estate Winery, Summerland BC

Wedding Planning: Modrn Company

Officiant: All Seasons Weddings - Jackie Ainsworth

Make-up: Midnight Lash Lounge - Sarah Elderbroom Partridge

Flowers: Polka Dot Door Floral Design - Kelly

It was quite a story finally getting these two together to be married here in Canada. I will not tell their story, but they were so grateful to finally see this day become a reality. Michi looked gorgeous in her perfectly fitted jumpsuit. I love how casual and easy this wedding was. No stress or drama. Just a beautiful day with friends and family that was so enjoyable for everyone. It was a morning ceremony so the new bride and groom, along with their family had the rest of the day to celebrate and recap the day.

The wedding took place at the gorgeous Oak Estate Winery in Summerland BC. The wedding party stayed onsite in the beautiful, spacious villa, which is so convenient for wedding organization and wedding photos. Alysha, the Winery owner was on hand to celebrate with champagne and congratulations.

Summerland Wedding Photographer
Summerland Wedding Photographer
Summerland Wedding Photographer
Summerland Wedding Photographer
Summerland Wedding Photographer
Summerland Wedding Photographer
Summerland Wedding Photographer
Summerland Wedding Photographer
Summerland Wedding Photographer
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Summerland Wedding Photographer
Summerland Wedding Photographer
Summerland Wedding Photographer
Summerland Wedding Photographer
Summerland Wedding Photographer
Summerland Wedding Photographer
Summerland Wedding Photographer
Summerland Wedding Photographer
Summerland Wedding Photographer